Dental Bridge in Switzerland

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From 26 verified reviews

Marina Kossinskaia, 21 September 2020

I would like to share my experience with people who, like me three years ago, are searching for a Doctor they can trust and a clinic they feel is safe and trustworthy. I’m not going to write much about the amazing location and the views from the clinic, that people wrote so much about already. I would like to write about the amazing people working there. I have been a patient of Dr. Michel Pfulg at LaClinic since 2017 and I have never had less than a perfect experience with him. I have had the most fantastic results without any scarring or obvious signs of cosmetic surgery. Dr Pfulg’s warm, welcoming personality allowed me to fully trust him, knowing he will never do more than what is needed, and trusting his aesthetic eye to get the most beautiful results. So much so, last month he performed surgery on my daughter which went wonderfully and she healed very fast, without any complications or pain post-op. The result is amazing! Over these past three years being a patient at LaClinic, I’ve had the privilege of experiencing their full range of care. Their dental department worked long and hard to give me the most perfect Hollywood smile. Dr. Claudie Rigoulot is fantastic with laser treatments and also with different types of fillers, etc. Skincare professional Irène Bruesch saved my teenage daughters skin, working with Biologique Recherche products which our whole family now swears by. I would also like to mention Katia Letertre, who has helped me throughout my journey with the clinic, helping with every administrative and organizational matter, translating for me from Russian, and generally being a huge support and comfort throughout our many experiences at LaClinic. Thank you so much to all the staff working there for making me so happy and providing exceptional ongoing care for our whole family.

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Clinique Generale-Beaulieu

From 17 verified reviews

Tano Barth, 28 March 2020

The staff at the establishment are very kind, professional and attentive. We feel very comfortable in the Clinic and care is quick. I understand why the Clinique Générale Beaulieu enjoys such a good reputation.

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Klinik Hirslanden

Klinik Hirslanden, located in Witellikerstrasse, Zurich, Switzerland offers patients Dental Bridge procedures among its total of 530 available procedures, across 28 different specialties. Currently, there's no pricing information for Dental Bridge procedures at Klinik Hirslanden, as all prices are available on request only. All procedures and treatments are undertaken by the lead specialist at the Clinic, and they are not accredited by any recognized accreditations institutes

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    What you need to know about Dental Bridge in Switzerland

    Dental Bridge Procedure

    A dental bridge is used to close (or bridge) the gap created by one or more missing teeth. It is a false tooth (known as pontic) that is held in place by the anchoring teeth (known as abutment teeth) on the sides of the gap and supported by natural teeth or implants.  The pontic can be made from porcelain, alloys, gold, or a combination of these materials. 

    The bridge not only restores your self-confidence and smile but also prevents remaining teeth from drifting out of position, aiding overall dental health. Knowledge regarding the procedure, its requirements, and its benefits is essential before opting for this treatment. In addition, understanding the numerous factors that can affect the success of the treatment, such as health risk factors.

    What is the cost of Dental Bridge in Switzerland?

    The price of the Dental Bridge in Switzerland may vary greatly as a result of a wide range of factors. These factors include the particulars of the procedure, the materials utilised for the bridge, and the dentist's qualifications and experience. Other essential dental procedures include treating gum disorder also go towards the overall price. It is crucial to talk with your dental professional or clinic about a detailed cost breakdown that includes presurgical assessments, the procedure, and postsurgical care and check-ups. Along with the level of care and potential durability of the treatment, costs should also be considered.

    What does a Dental Bridge Procedure Involve?

    You usually need several visits to the dentists to get a dental bridge and the procedure is performed under local anesthetic. During the first visit, your dentist will prepare your teeth by contouring the teeth to allow room for a crown and will make an impression that serves as a model to make the bridge. The bridge is made in a dental lab and you will have to wear a temporary bridge to protect the open teeth and gums while the actual bridge is being created. When the actual bridge is ready, the temporary bridge is removed and the new bridge is adjusted to achieve the best possible fit, then your dentist will cement the bridge into place. 

    MyMediTravel currently lists 3 facilities in Switzerland offering Dental Bridge procedures - see above for the complete list, along with estimated prices. The price of a Dental Bridge can vary according to each individual’s case and will be determined based on your medical profile and an in-person assessment with the specialist. For a personalized quoteClick Here to submit your details

    How Long Should I Stay in Switzerland for a Dental Bridge Procedure?

    Given the preliminaries prior to the dental procedure, the time consumed for the treatment, and the required visits after the procedure, you might need to plan for a stay ranging between one to two weeks in Switzerland. However, there could be variations in the estimated duration due to factors like the intricacy of the treatment, your recovery speed and specific dental health circumstances.

    The responsibility of a dental specialist is crucial here, as they need to meticulously oversee the treatment results, make necessary modifications, and assure your recuperation is optimal. Out of practicality, it is recommended that you stay nearby the clinic you have chosen. Additionally, having frequent and open interactions with your dental specialist will permit you to communicate any concerns or discomfort promptly. This will thus enable addressing of any issues swiftly and ensure a smooth and unhindered recovery process.

    What's the Recovery Time Like?

    You may experience minor pain and swelling, but these will subside within a few days. It may take seven to 10 days until you can get back to your normal diet. During this time, it's essential to follow all post-procedure advice, such as maintaining oral hygiene, avoiding certain foods, and scheduling follow-up appointments for check-ups and possible adjustments. However, you can go back to work and continue with all other activities the day after the procedure.

    What sort of Aftercare is Required for Dental Bridge Procedures in Switzerland?

    Effective aftercare is crucial to the success and longevity of your Dental Bridge. Proper dental hygiene routines should be diligently maintained, such as regular brushing, flossing, and usage of an antimicrobial mouthwash. Ensure you brush your teeth twice a day, floss once a day, use an antiseptic mouthwash, visit your dentist regularly, and eat a diet high in vegetables and fruits. Regular check-ups are also essential to monitor the bridge and underlying oral health. Furthermore, lifestyle choices like cessation of smoking and maintaining a balanced diet can also greatly contribute to the upkeep of your dental bridge.

    What's the Success Rate of Dental Bridge Procedures?

    Success stories have frequently stemmed from the Dental Bridge, resulting in many individuals reclaiming their radiant smiles for extended periods. When given the appropriate care, dental bridges have the potential to endure up to 15 years, or perhaps even more. Such an achievement, nonetheless, is a culmination of several contributing elements. Key among these is a patient's dedication to uphold oral cleanliness, regular consultations with the dental expert, and adoption of a wholesome lifestyle that immensely boosts the longevity of this procedure.

    The composition materials of the bridge, the acumen and proficiency of the dentist, as well as the well-being of the adjacent teeth and gums considerably influence the triumph of the treatment. Even top-tier dental procedures may fall short if the oral conditions aren't favorable for the seamless operation and life-span of the bridge. Hence, it becomes crucial to retain prime gum health and adhere to habitual dentist appointments.

    Are there Alternatives to Dental Bridge Procedures in Switzerland?

    Several substitute options exist for the Dental Bridge, which are contingent on a person's distinctive dental state, financial plan, and personal inclinations. A familiar substitute is dental implants, a type of prosthetic procedure wherein a titanium support is operationally fitted into the jawbone and followed by attaching a cap to simulate the look of a natural tooth. Dental implants are renowned for their robustness and real appearance, though they may not be feasible for all, particularly those with insufficient bone density or people seeking a more budget-friendly solution.

    Another sought-after choice is partial dentures, that are detachable, typically constructed from a mixture of metal and acrylic, and can be an appropriate selection for individuals missing multiple teeth in succession. Partial dentures are less invasive than dental implants and dental bridges, and are also more economical. However, they might not offer the same degree of stability or comfort. Remember, these substitutes come with distinct maintenance needs and potential risks; therefore, a discussion with your dentist about these factors will assist you in making a well-informed decision.

    What Should You Expect Before and After the Procedure

    Prior to the Dental Bridge, an exhaustive examination of your dental hygiene will be carried out by your dentist. This entails a visual investigation of your teeth, gums, and jaw structure, perhaps involving the taking of X-rays or the production of digital imagery and molds of your mouth. These comprehensive evaluations enable the dentist to decide the most fitting solution for your specific necessities while anticipating potential hurdles. Gearing up for the treatment also includes reshaping and remolding the abutment teeth, which are set on either side of the vacant space that will uphold the bridge.

    After your Dental Bridge, you can expect some discomfort, such as soreness in the gums and sensitivity in the teeth, which should subside with time. A temporary bridge may be fitted until your permanent bridge is ready, requiring care when chewing and cleaning. Once your permanent bridge is placed, it may feel strange initially, but your mouth will adjust over time. The dentist will provide comprehensive aftercare instructions, including dietary recommendations, oral hygiene practices, and follow-up appointments.  In terms of results, you should be able to chew and have your perfect smile back.

    What are the Potential Risks of Dental Bridge?

    Though Dental Bridge is commonplace and secure, performed by skilled dental experts, it is not immune to potential ramifications just as with other medical procedures. Nonetheless, maintaining open conversations concerning potential challenges with your dental specialist, meticulous upkeep, and regular professional evaluations can significantly mitigate the probability of complications.

    Such potential drawbacks may encompass:

    • Gum disease (due to poor oral hygiene)

    • Damage to neighboring teeth

    • Lost bridges (the bridge might need to be replaced due to wear and tear)

    Whilst the information presented here has been accurately sourced and verified by a medical professional for its accuracy, it is still advised to consult with your doctor before pursuing a medical treatment at one of the listed medical providers

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