Facelift in Paris

Search and Compare the Best Clinics and Doctors at the Lowest Prices for Facelift in Paris

Search and Compare the Best Clinics and Doctors at the Lowest Prices for Facelift in Paris

Find the best clinics for Facelift in Paris

With Medijump you can browse 8 facilities offering Facelift procedures in Paris. The cheapest price available is $4,279 in Paris. And for the cheapest price globally, prices start from $28 in Thailand.

Facelift in France

Price: $ 4,279

Facelift in Paris

Price: $ 4,279

Thailand offers the best prices Worldwide

Price: $ 28

Docteur Yaël Berdah et Docteur Marc-David Benjoar

From 56 verified reviews

AMINA BOUDJEMLINE, 17 September 2020

Excellent chirurgien mais pas que .... Dr Benjoar est à la fois disponible, à l'écoute et dans l’accompagnement de ses patients. Ma mère Lemaignen Micheline a subi une intervention suite à un cancer du sein Au delà de l'excellent résultat obtenu ... je garderai précieusement en mémoire, sa présence et son suivi post opératoire ... Malgré un planning chargé, le docteur a su lui proposer un RDV pour l’opérer rapidement dans le mois, avec une visite de contrôle avant ses congés. Il a pris le temps de la rappeler pendant ses congés pour prendre de ses nouvelles. A chaque fois, le docteur a su la mettre en confiance et la rassurer. Il lui a donné toutes les explications sur la réalisation de l’intervention et sur les suites opératoires et a répondu à toutes ses questions. Il est très bien coordonné avec les praticiens ( docteur Daniel Zarca une perle au passage) des autres disciplines à l’institut du sein, et établit une communication et un suivi réactifs avec eux. Le docteur est très professionnel, attentif à ses patient(e)s et expérimenté. Je le recommande donc vivement à toutes celles et ceux qui recherchent un excellent chirurgien ...et une écoute attentive et bienveillante

$4,638 Facelift View details & Read reviews CALL NOW
Dr Bergeret-Galley

From 26 verified reviews

Agathe Virzi, 13 August 2020

In addition to being kind, smiling and attentive, Dr. Bergeret-Galley is an incredible surgeon who does his job to perfection. She was more than what I expected and I cannot thank her enough for what she did.

Clinique des Champs Elysees

From 163 verified reviews

Mikaël Ponge, 22 September 2020

Invisalign treatment performed with Dr Cohen Samama and his team, I am fully satisfied with the result and even more. It was a big project that was not limited to aesthetics. The result is perfect! A big plus for availability; reception, and follow-up (even during the confinement period with video appointments). The treatment took longer than expected, no additional costs were asked of me, everything is taken care of from start to finish. A few more like bleaching have even been included. I highly recommend the clinic for its dental service. I am delighted with my experience.

American Hospital of Paris

From 161 verified reviews

latifa Rabhi, 06 September 2020

Very fast support, with highly qualified and human staff.The rooms are beautiful and very quiet.Calm and gentleness in this hospital, I highly recommend.

Price on request Facelift View details & Read reviews
Docteur Vincent Masson Plastic Surgery

From 103 verified reviews

Laura Morgana, 20 September 2020

Chirurgien très clair, gentil et professionnel. Il prends le temps de bien expliquer en détails. Opérée récemment, tout se déroulé même mieux que prévu. Recherche d'un résultat le plus naturel possible. Je conseille ce professionnel sans hésiter. P. S. Sa secrétaire est très à l'écoute et gentille.

Price on request Facelift View details & Read reviews CALL NOW
Dr Taliah Schmitt

From 7 verified reviews

Severine- Mehlia, 17 July 2019

Dr. Schmitt is truly an extraordinary person, she is full of empathy for these clients, takes our news, directs us if needed to specialists, nowadays it is rare to find such a nice person and excellent in his field I consulted her several times and would consult her again

Price on request Facelift View details & Read reviews CALL NOW
Dr Sebastiano Montoneri-Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery

From 79 verified reviews

Melissa Mason, 23 September 2020

Très satisfaite par mon intervention ! Le résultat est top et encore mieux que ce que j'imaginais. Le Docteur montoneri m'a mis à l'aise dès le premier rendez-vous et a été aux petits soins du début à la fin du suivi postopératoire du mon lifting. L'accompagnement est irréprochable et appréciable.

Price on request Facelift View details & Read reviews CALL NOW
Dr Vladimir Mitz

From 20 verified reviews

Isabelle Hascoët, 23 September 2020

Excellent chirurgien plasticien. A opéré ma fille de 16 ans cet été pour une chirurgie réparatrice des seins (hypertrophie mammaire). Opération propre, aucun hématome, très belles cicatrices, un suivi post opératoire sérieux. Le résultat est très très satisfaisant. Mr Mitz est un véritable artiste, très sensible à la beauté du corps féminin, il saura vous conseiller. Je recommande vivement.

Price on request Facelift View details & Read reviews

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    What you need to know about Facelift in Paris

    A facelift, also referred to as rhytidectomy, is a cosmetic surgery that aims to restore a more youthful facial appearance. It can reduce sagging or folds of skin on the cheeks, jawline, and other areas in the face that changes shape due to aging.

    As we age, our skin loses their elasticity and become looser. Fat deposits also decrease in some areas and increase in others. This leads to sagging and wrinkles. With a facelift, these problems can be addressed by lifting and tightening the sagging facial tissue. The procedure may involve removing excess skin that’s causing “jowls”, smoothing out wrinkles or folds, and tightening facial tissue. It can also have a rejuvenating effect on the areas below the eyes and the deep lines from the corners of the mouth to the sides of the nose.

    It is important to bear in mind that a facelift is not a treatment for creases around the nose, superficial wrinkles, and irregularities in skin color. It also cannot stop the aging process or change your fundamental appearance.

    Although there are newer and less invasive facial rejuvenation procedure, a surgical facelift is still one of the most popular today. This is because the procedure offers the most dramatic results.

    What is the cost of Facelift in Paris?

    Many people take into account the cost of a Facelift in Paris very carefully because it differs greatly from one area or clinic to another. But the typical price normally includes the surgeon's fee, the facility fee, the cost of anaesthesia, and any required pre-operative diagnostics. The complexity of your case, the surgeon's experience, and his or her reputation all have a role in the procedure's ultimate cost, which is important to keep in mind. Remember that these expenses are an investment in your self-worth and personal fulfilment and could have a big impact on your quality of life.

    What does a Facelift Procedure Involve?

    In terms of aesthetics, your surgeon will recommend the best choice for your own comfort. You may

    There are three types of incision used in a facelift, which depends on the degree of change you would like to see and the technique your surgeon will use.

    1. A traditional facelift incision starts at your temples in the hairline, continues around the ear and ends in behind your neck in the lower scalp. An incision may also be made under your chin to improve the look of the neck.
    2. A limited incision is shorter than traditional facelift incision. It starts in your hairline just above the ear, continues around the ear but does not extend to the lower scalp.
    3. Neck lift incisions begin in front of the earlobe, continues around your ear into the lower scalp. This type of incision addresses the sagging jowls, fat accumulation under the chin, and loose neck skin.

    In general, your surgeon elevates the skin and tighten the underlying tissues and muscles after making an incision. Fat in your face and neck may be removed, sculpted, or redistributed. Then, the incision is stitched.

    MyMediTravel currently lists 8 facilities in Paris offering Facelift procedures - see above for the complete list, along with estimated prices. The price of a Facelift can vary according to each individual’s case and will be determined based on photos and an in-person assessment with the specialist. For a personalized quote Click Here to submit your details

    How Long Should I Stay in Paris for a Facelift Procedure?

    You should be able to leave the hospital on the same day of the surgery if local anesthetic is used. However, if the surgery is done under general anesthetic, you may need to stay in the hospital for about 1 to 2 days. You should plan to stay in Paris for around 7 to 10 days following the surgery because you will have to attend follow-up checkups. During the checkups, your surgeon will monitor your healing and remove your stitches.

    What's the Recovery Time for Facelift Procedures in Paris?

    While recovering, it is beneficial to prop your head up and refrain from any heavy-duty tasks. Healthy eating habits and effective stress control can remarkably assist in your recuperation journey. A complete healing span could last for a few months, during which the puffiness slowly eases off and the cut marks become less noticeable. Diligently adhering to the post-surgery guidelines from your doctor and consistently showing up for all scheduled check-ups can contribute to a swift, seamless recovery.

    Expect to experience bruising, swelling, and some discomfort for the first 3 to 5 days. You may be able to return to work and some light activities within 7 to 14 days, but avoid any vigorous activities for about 5 to 6 weeks. It may take 2 to 3 months until your face feels normal in terms of texture and sensibility.

    What sort of Aftercare is Required for Facelift Procedures in Paris?

    Your surgeon will provide detailed post-operative instruction. To avoid any complications and maximize the result, you need to follow all instructions closely. You may have to avoid any clothing that is pulled over the head, such as t-shirts and sweaters. You should also avoid using makeup and direct sun exposure for about three weeks, as well as coloring, bleaching, or perming your hair for six weeks following the surgery.

    To maintain the results of your facelift, you need to avoid smoking, use sunblock, moisturize your face daily, maintain weight stability, follow a healthy diet plan, exercise regularly, and live a generally healthy lifestyle.

    What's the Success Rate of Facelift Procedures in Paris?

    Approximately 80% to 90% of people who had a facelift is reported to achieve a positive result after their procedure. However, although great results are expected after a facelift, there can be no guarantee. In some cases, you may need more than one surgery to achieve your desired result. To make sure your surgery is successful; you need to ensure your surgeon is skilled and experienced. You also have to follow your surgeon’s instructions, from the preparation to the aftercare.

    Note that the results of a facelift are not permanent because no cosmetic procedure can stop aging. Your facial skin may begin to droop again as you age. The average facelift lasts between 7 and 10 years before you have aged enough to need additional work.

    Are there Alternatives to Facelift Procedures in Paris?

    If you do not want to (or cannot) undergo a facelift, you can opt for an alternative.

    • Mini-facelift - a less invasive procedure that also aims to lift the wrinkles and sagging skin in the lower part of the face. Because it involves a smaller, s-shaped incision around the ear, it cannot address neck sagging or excess skin.
    • Botox - it reduces the appearance of wrinkles and usually takes about 24 to 72 hours to take effect. A botox injection uses botulinum toxin to temporarily paralyze muscle activity.
    • Fillers - unlike botox, fillers fill the line, crease, or the general facial area with different kinds of substances. These fillers can be used as “volumizers”, plumping and lifting your cheeks, jawline, and temple.
    • Laser Skin Resurfacing - this works to give you a younger-looking facial skin by removing some skin layer by layer. Patients can get rid of scars, wrinkles, acne marks, and blotches.
    • Ultherapy - this uses ultrasound to heat targeted tissue under the surface of your skin. The heat will then trigger the natural production of collagen. This procedure can be repeated 6 to 12 months because collagen usually takes very long to develop.
    • LED - light-emitting diode therapy uses a variety of different colored lights to target various parts of your face. This is a pain-free procedure that treats acne, fine lines, wrinkles, pigmentations, acne scars, and rosacea.

    What Should You Expect Before and After the Procedure

    Before having the Facelift, you will meet with your surgeon to discuss your goals and what you expect to accomplish. Your medical history will be carefully reviewed at this meeting to ensure that the procedure is safe for you. Before the surgery, you might also need to get some routine health screenings to make sure you're in good health overall.

    Expect to have bandages applied to your surgical wounds following the Facelift, and it's possible that a drain may be installed to collect extra fluid. Swelling and bruising are normal postoperative side effects, but these should progressively go away over a few weeks.

    What are the Potential Risks of Facelift?

    As with other surgical procedures, a facelift can carry some possible risks and complications, which may include:

    • Hematoma
    • Scarring and skin loss
    • Hair loss
    • Nerve injury (temporary or permanent changes in facial sensation or difficulties in moving facial muscles)

    Some of these risks can be managed with appropriate care and medication. However, you need to be aware of the long term and permanent complications. While they are rare, they may alter your appearance significantly.

    Whilst the information presented here has been accurately sourced and verified by a medical professional for its accuracy, it is still advised to consult with your doctor before pursuing a medical treatment at one of the listed medical providers

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