Hair Transplant Clinics in Panama City | 2024 Prices
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Hair Transplant at DHI Panama in Panama City, Panama

DHI Medical Group is the largest hair restoration company in the world focused on the research, diagnosis and treatment of hair loss and alopecia scalp disorders. We are world experts now doing hair implants in Panama.  In...more
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Hair Transplant clinics in Panama City
With MyMediTravel you can browse 1 facilities offering Hair Transplant procedures in Panama City. The cheapest price available in Panama is $5,000 in Panama City. And for the cheapest price globally, prices start from $126 in Egypt.
Prices start from:
$ 5,000
No. of clinics available in Panama City:
Recovery time:
10 days of recovery time
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Everything you'll need to know about Hair Transplant in Panama City

Why do people experience hair loss?

We lose an average of 100 hairs a day, however, these hairs are immediately replaced by new hairs growing at the same time. Hair loss can occur suddenly or gradually and it may affect your scalp or your entire body, depending on what’s causing it. Other causes of hair loss may include:

  • Stress - a lot of people may experience hair thinning for several months due to a physical or emotional shock. However, this type of hair loss is only temporary.
  • Certain Hairstyles and treatments - hairstyles that pull your hair like tight pigtails, ponytails or braids can actually cause traction alopecia. Permanent hair treatments and hot oil treatment may also lead to hair loss; these hair treatments cause inflammation to the hair follicles. If there is scarring, hair loss may be permanent.
  • Radiation Therapy - for example, during cancer treatment.
  • Certain medical conditions and hormonal changes - in women, hormonal changes due to pregnancy, childbirth menopause or thyroid problems may cause temporary or permanent hair loss. As for medical conditions, hair loss may be due to alopecia, scalp infections like ringworm or a hair-pulling disorder known as trichotillomania.

Sudden hair loss may also be a sign of a specific medical condition that will require treatment. You will need to consult your doctor if you experience more than your usual hair loss whenever you are combing or washing your hair and also if you encounter a sudden patchy loss of hair.

A hair transplant is a common treatment performed on people who are experiencing baldness due to aging and heredity factors. However, if you are completely bald with absolutely no hair left, then this type of treatment may not be applicable for you, as you won't have sufficient donor hair to supply.

How Long Should I Stay in Panama City for a Hair Transplant Procedure?

Hair transplants are usually performed as an outpatient procedure. Thus, you will be able to go back to your hotel immediately after. Both methods used for Hair Transplant treatments usually take 4-8 hours to complete. With FUE technique, there are no stitches or staples to be removed, so you won't need to stay in Panama City for long after the procedure, just allow a day or two to be sure before traveling home. 

You should expect to pay the clinic another visit the day after the treatment so the doctor can remove the bandage, examine the areas of intake and transplantation of follicles, before washing your hair using a special technique that you will learn to perform by yourself. Finally, the doctor will provide you with a special shampoo that will help to restore the skin.

What's the Recovery Time for Hair Transplant Procedures in Panama City?

Your scalp will continue to be sensitive to pain for a few days, during which time you should continue to take the medications provided by the doctor. On top of the pain killers and anti-inflammatory meds, you may also be given antibiotics to lessen the risk of infection, as uncommon as this may be.

You should expect to return to work and your daily routine, including exercise, after 5 days. However, the signs of a hair transplant will remain for at least another 2-3 weeks, at which point the newly transplanted hairs will start to fall out - but don't be alarmed! This is to be expected as you've just had a follicle extraction, so dead hair will simply make way for new hair over the coming weeks and months.

If the average person's hair only grows at a centimeter per month, then it will take some time before you can wear your hair long again. You could expect to display short and consistent hair just 4-6 weeks after the treatment.

What sort of Aftercare is Required for Hair Transplant Procedures in Panama City?

After the procedure is complete, anti-swelling medication and painkillers will be available and you'll be provided with various essentials to see you through the days immediately following. Post-op items may include; specialist shampoo, lotion, multivitamins, a special hat, a headband, neck pillow, and wound dressing.

Having already been provided with your post-op aftercare products, you may also be offered Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy to help stimulate the hair follicles and encourage hair growth. This is where a small amount of blood is taken, rich in plasma, which is then injected into the Recipient Site.

What's the Success Rate of Hair Transplant Procedures in Panama City?

The success rate for hair transplants is one of the highest, at 98% and is considered the only truly effective remedy for hair loss. 

The effectiveness of Hair Transplant treatments is significantly shaped by the surgeon's expertise who executes the process. A seasoned and competent surgeon employs sophisticated methods to prevent harm to the transplanted hair follicles during the process, which leads to a higher likelihood of success. Additionally, the ability of the surgeon to place the grafts in an attractive manner that resembles natural hair growth further enhances the perceived successfulness of the result. 

Beyond the competency of the surgeon, the overall health status and lifestyle choices of the patient greatly impact the treatment's effectiveness. Subpar habits such as excessive smoking and alcohol intake can obstruct the recovery process and influence the result adversely. Illnesses like diabetes can also interfere with the likelihood of success. 

Consideration of the donor hair's quality is another aspect that may affect the success of the procedure. Generally, those with robust, plentiful hair in the donor region have a higher success rate as compared to individuals with sparse or poor-quality hair. The availability of more follicles for transplantation yields better results. A detailed examination is carried out before the Hair Transplant to verify the quantity and quality of the donor's hair.

Are there Alternatives to a Hair Transplant?

Laser therapy is one alternative to a hair transplant. During this procedure, a low-level laser device will be used as a treatment for a hair loss specifically caused by genetics. This low-level laser with a wavelength of 650 nanometres can actually stimulate your hair growth. However, long term effects for this type of alternative still remains uncertain.

PRP Therapy is another alternative you can consider. This type of treatment will make use of your own blood to promote hair growth. Your blood will be spun in a centrifuge to separate your blood’s plasma component from your red and white blood cells. Plasma contains many growth factors that promote hair growth when injected into the scalp.

Other non-surgical alternatives could include simply shaving all your hair off, trying other hairstyles or using a wig or hairpiece.

How do FUT and FUE Compare?

The two most common techniques used are the Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT) and the Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). How do they compare?

1. FUT, also referred to as FUSS (Follicular Unit Strip Surgery), involves the removal of a strip of skin from the back of the head containing lots of hair follicles, which is stitched up and hidden by the surrounding hair. Then the strip of follicles is divided into 500-2,000 tiny grafts containing just a few hairs. These are then embedded across the bald area of the head.

2. FUE does not require a strip of skin to be removed, instead, the hair follicles are individually removed from the donor site and positioned across the bald area in tiny slits created by a scalpel or needle.

This information has been accurately sourced and verified by a medical professional for its accuracy, however, we strongly recommend you to consult with your doctor before pursuing medical procedures overseas.

Update: 15/05/2024