Hymenoplasty in Herzliya

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Search and Compare the Best Clinics and Doctors at the Lowest Prices for Hymenoplasty in Herzliya

Find the best clinics for Hymenoplasty in Herzliya

With Medijump you can browse 1 facilities offering Hymenoplasty procedures in Herzliya. The cheapest price available is $3,529 in Herzliya. And for the cheapest price globally, prices start from $342 in India.

Hymenoplasty in Israel

Price: $ 3,529

Hymenoplasty in Herzliya

Price: $ 3,529

India offers the best prices Worldwide

Price: $ 342

Herzliya Medical Center

From 106 verified reviews

Abed Faroge, 22 September 2020

בית חולים וצוות ברמה שירותית ואיכותית מאד גבוהה . צוות מקצועי אדיב וקשוב לצרכי המטופלים . רשמת השירות וההיענות של צוות בית החולים משרה אווירת ביטחון שאכן המטופל בידיים טובות .

$127,000 Hymenoplasty View details & Read reviews CALL NOW

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    What you need to know about Hymenoplasty in Herzliya

    Hymenoplasty Procedure

    Hymenoplasty also referred to as hymen reconstruction or hymenorrhaphy, is a surgical procedure to restore the hymen temporarily. The procedure is not regarded as a gynecology procedure and is often categorized as plastic surgery as it is usually performed for non-medical reasons. Hymenoplasty is normally carried out to cause bleeding in post-nuptial intercourse because, in some cultures, it is considered as a sign of virginity.

    What does a Hymenoplasty Procedure Involve?

    Hymenoplasty is simple, non-invasive, and is mostly performed under local anesthetic, but under some circumstances, it may also be carried out under general anesthetic. Your doctor stitches a membrane, sometimes with a gelatin capsule with an artificial bloodlike substance, and the new hymen is made to match the real hymen. 

    How Long Should I Stay in Herzliya for a Hymenoplasty Procedure?

    Although hymenoplasty is an outpatient procedure, you should aim to stay in Herzliya for at least 5 to 7 days for your initial recovery and a follow-up hospital checkup. During the checkup, your surgeon will monitor your health and healing progress, and to remove any stitches if they did not use dissolving stitches. 

    MyMediTravel currently lists 1 facilities in Herzliya offering Hymenoplasty procedures - see above for the complete list, along with estimated prices. The price of a Hymenoplasty can vary according to each individual’s case and will be determined based on your medical profile and an in-person assessment with the specialist. For a personalized quoteClick Here to submit your details

    What's the Recovery Time for Hymenoplasty Procedures in Herzliya?

    Some patients can go back to work within 1-2 weeks, but the total recovery period until you are able to resume your full daily routine (including exercise and heavy lifting) can take at least 6 to 8 weeks. You should also avoid penetrative sex for about three months.

    What sort of Aftercare is Required for Hymenoplasty Procedures in Herzliya?

    It is really important to keep your genital area dry and clean. Your doctor will give you a set of instructions regarding healing for the stitches, dietary restrictions, and exercises. It is best to avoid tampons and menstrual cup during and after your recovery period. Some activities can also rip or break the hymen, such as pelvic examinations, sexual intercourse, regular physical activities, gymnastics, or horseback riding.

    What's the Success Rate of Hymenoplasty Procedures in Herzliya?

    Hymenoplasty is a relatively safe procedure with a high success rate. However, it carries some rare side effects and risks, including infection and prolonged bleeding. Occasionally, the procedure can also cause stricture or hymen overcorrection, making sexual intercourse difficult, but it is not a long-term problem. 

    Are there Alternatives to Hymenoplasty Procedures in Herzliya?

    There is currently no alternative to hymenoplasty as this procedure is the best option for people who want to reconstruct their hymen.

    What Should You Expect Before and After the Procedure

    Before hymenoplasty, your hymen may be broken or ripped due to various reasons. After the procedure, your hymen will have a ‘new’ hymen intact.

    Whilst the information presented here has been accurately sourced and verified by a medical professional for its accuracy, it is still advised to consult with your doctor before pursuing a medical treatment at one of the listed medical providers

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