Hysteroscopy in Jerusalem

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Search and Compare the Best Clinics and Doctors at the Lowest Prices for Hysteroscopy in Jerusalem

Find the best clinics for Hysteroscopy in Jerusalem

With Medijump you can browse 1 facilities offering Hysteroscopy procedures in Jerusalem. The cheapest price available is $1,881 in Tel Aviv, then we have prices starting from $2,092 in Herzliya. And for the cheapest price globally, prices start from $222 in Morocco.

Hysteroscopy in Israel

Price: $ 1,881

Hysteroscopy in Tel Aviv

Price: $ 1,881

Hysteroscopy in Herzliya

Price: $ 2,092

Morocco offers the best prices Worldwide

Price: $ 222

Hadassah Medical Center

From 126 verified reviews

Y Jilani, 19 September 2020

A huge academic hospital serving the greater jerusalem area, world class health professionals and good location and amenities!

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    What you need to know about Hysteroscopy in Jerusalem


    Hysteroscopy is a procedure that allows a doctor to examine the inside of a woman’s cervix and uterus in order to diagnose and treat issues, such as pelvic pain, difficulty getting pregnant and abnormal bleeding. It is performed using a thin and flexible tube with a camera and a light at the end called a hysteroscope, which will send an image to a monitor so your doctor can get an up-close look inside your cervix and uterus.

    What does a Hysteroscopy Procedure Involve?

    Hysteroscopy can be performed under local anaesthetic and sedative, but it can also be done under general anaesthetic. Medication or tools called dilators are used to help open your cervix to allow the hysteroscope to be inserted. Then, a liquid solution or carbon dioxide gas is inserted through the hysteroscope into the uterus to clear away any blood or mucus and expand it, which will give your doctor a clear view of its lining. If surgery needs to be performed, the surgeon may do it during the procedure using tiny surgical instruments that are inserted through the hysteroscope.  

    How Long Should I Stay in Jerusalem for a Hysteroscopy Procedure?

    You may be able to leave the hospital several hours after the procedure. However, it is recommended to stay in Jerusalem for around 2 to 3 days, especially if you had treatment during the procedure or if you received general anaesthetic as you will need to allow your body to rest for several days.

    MyMediTravel currently lists 1 facilities in Jerusalem offering Hysteroscopy procedures - see above for the complete list, along with estimated prices. The price of a Hysteroscopy can vary according to each individual’s case and will be determined based on your medical profile and an in-person assessment with the specialist. For a personalized quoteClick Here to submit your details

    What's the Recovery Time for Hysteroscopy Procedures in Jerusalem?

    Most women are able to get back to work as well as their normal activities the day after the procedure. But, you may want to rest for a few days if a general anaesthetic was used or treatment was performed during your hysteroscopy. Note that you need to avoid sex for around 2 weeks after the procedure.

    What sort of Aftercare is Required for Hysteroscopy Procedures in Jerusalem?

    You may experience cramping and bleeding, but you can take pain medication and wear pads to deal with this. If the result of your hysteroscopy shows any disease or abnormalities, you may want to schedule a follow-up appointment with your doctor in Jerusalem or with your local doctor at home to discuss a treatment plan. 

    What's the Success Rate of Hysteroscopy Procedures in Jerusalem?

    Hysteroscopy is a highly successful and effective procedure to examine your uterus and cervix. Nonetheless, there is still a small chance that the result is inaccurate, but it is very rare. Also, there are some side effects and complications to be aware of, including infection, tearing or damage to the cervix, damage to nearby organs, pelvic inflammatory disease, problems with gas or fluid from the uterus, and problems with the anaesthetic.

    Are there Alternatives to Hysteroscopy Procedures in Jerusalem?

    The alternatives to hysteroscopy are pelvic ultrasound and endometrial biopsy. These procedures can be performed alongside a hysteroscopy, but they do not provide as much information as a hysteroscopy. 

    What Should You Expect Before and After the Procedure

    Before hysteroscopy, you may have an unknown condition in your uterus or cervix, which may be dangerous and life-threatening. After the procedure, you will find out what is causing the symptoms and you can discuss with your doctor the best treatment plan.

    Whilst the information presented here has been accurately sourced and verified by a medical professional for its accuracy, it is still advised to consult with your doctor before pursuing a medical treatment at one of the listed medical providers

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