Accident and Emergency Medicine Clinics in Bogota | 2024 Prices
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Accident and Emergency Medicine clinics in Bogota
With MyMediTravel you can browse 0 facilities offering different types of Accident and Emergency Medicine procedures in Bogota.
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Institute for Accreditation of Health Care Providers
ISO 9001 : 2015
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Accident and emergency medicine is a medical specialty that focuses on the care of illnesses or injuries that needs immediate medical attention. Emergency physicians provide a high level of care for patients who have life-threatening conditions. Since patients with acute illness or injury can be present at any time, emergency physicians are trained to evaluate a wide variety of illnesses and diseases quickly, sometimes with little to no information. Some of the most common illnesses that emergency physicians can assess and treat are strokes, heart attacks, asthma attacks, fractures, overdoses, pregnancy-related emergencies, and injuries resulting from a car accident. 

Emergency physicians resuscitate and stabilize patients. They also provide transition care to an appropriate endpoint, such as an ICU, general inpatient bed, a relevant specialist, or home. 

How Long Should I Stay in Bogota?

Length of stay in Bogota varies, depending on your specific illness or injury, as well as the type of treatment you receive. In general, you may need to stay in Bogota for at least 10 to 14 days, sometimes even longer if your condition is very serious and/or you undergo major surgery. Your medical team will let you know when it is safe for you to fly home.

What's the Expected Recovery Time?

Recovery is different for every person and it depends on your overall health, the type of emergency condition you have, and the treatment you receive. After a heart attack, for example, you may need to wait around 2 to 3 months until you are allowed to return to your full normal activities. 

What Aftercare is Required?

Your doctor will give you a set of aftercare instructions. Make sure to follow all instructions closely to speed up your recovery time and avoid complications. For certain conditions, such as stroke and fractures, you may need to undergo physical therapy. Some conditions also require regular checkups. You can choose to do the physical therapy and/or regular checkup at your local hospital if you cannot travel to Bogota multiple times.

What's the Success Rate?

Accident and emergency medicine is a very important field. With continuous research and advancement in medical technology, life-threatening illnesses and injuries are now being managed more efficiently and are detected much earlier.

Are there Alternatives?

There are no alternatives to emergency medicine.

This information has been accurately sourced and verified by a medical professional for its accuracy, however, we strongly recommend you to consult with your doctor before pursuing medical procedures overseas.

Update: 12/01/2023