Ear Surgery Clinics in Porto | 2024 Prices
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Ear Surgery clinics in Porto
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Everything you'll need to know about Ear Surgery in Porto

What does a Ear Surgery Procedure Involve?

Acoustic Neuroma Surgery

The goal of acoustic neuroma surgery is to remove the tumor and preserve the facial nerve to preserve hearing and prevent facial paralysis when possible. The tumor can be removed through the inner ear or through a window in the skull. 

Cochlear Implant Ear Surgery

A cochlear implant is an electronic device that is surgically implanted to help provide sound to people with hearing loss caused by a defect or damage in the inner ear. Cochlear implant bypass damaged hair cells in the inner ear. It stimulates the auditory nerve directly to send information to the brain.


Stapedectomy is a procedure to treat otosclerosis. In this procedure, the middle ear bone is replaced with a prosthesis. Your surgeon will create an incision in the skin of the ear canal, then lift the skin and eardrum to expose the stapes bone. Then, the stapes bone is removed and the prosthesis replaces it. The last step is putting the eardrum and the skin of the ear canal back in place.

Cosmetic Ear Surgery

Also known as otoplasty, this surgery is performed to reshape the pinna or the outer ear. The goal of this surgery is to improve appearance or to correct a deformity. During this procedure, your surgeon will make an incision on the back of your ear or within the inner creases of your ears. Then, they will position the outer ear to the desired position. For instance, ears that stick out too far from the head will be positioned closer to the head.

Congenital Atresia Ear Reconstruction

This is a surgical repair for people who were born without certain parts of the ear anatomy, including the ear canal, the ossicular chain (middle ear bones of hearing), and the eardrum.


Labyrinthectomy is a surgical procedure to remove the remaining inner ear balance function from a diseased ear that causes disequilibrium and vertigo.


Tympanoplasty is a surgery that is used to restore the middle hearing mechanism. In this surgery, your surgeon will reconstruct the eardrum and/or the small bones of the middle ear.

Myringotomy Eardrum Repair

This surgery is done to open the eardrum and remove fluid from the middle ear, to treat otitis media. In some cases, your surgeon may insert a small tube in the middle of your ear to maintain drainage.

How Long Should I Stay in Porto for a Ear Surgery Procedure?

Your length of stay depends on the type of ear surgery you underwent. You generally need to stay in Porto for 7 plus weeks because you need to let your body recover before you can travel. During your stay, you will also need to attend follow-up checkups where your surgeon will monitor your condition and remove your stitches (if necessary).

What's the Recovery Time for Ear Surgery Procedures in Porto?

The recovery time after ear surgery varies, depending on the condition and type of ear surgery you have. It typically takes several weeks until you can return to your normal daily activities. Some people can go back to work within a week or two, while others may need four to six weeks until they can return to work. Strenuous activities, such as intense exercise and heavy lifting, should be avoided for several months. Make sure to talk to your surgeon about the detailed recovery timeline.

What sort of Aftercare is Required for Ear Surgery Procedures in Porto?

The aftercare may be different depending on the type of ear surgery you underwent. Your surgeon will give you specific instructions that you will need to follow. Your doctor will likely give you a prescription for pain medication to help you feel more comfortable during the recovery period. Make sure that you take the medication as directed. Since you will likely feel tired, you may want to ask someone to help you with chores around the house so you can focus on healing.

What's the Success Rate of Ear Surgery Procedures in Porto?

The success rate of each surgery is different. In general, ear surgery is a safe procedure with high success rates. The surgery is effective in treating problems with the ears. For instance, stapedectomy has a success rate of around 90%. Still, you need to be aware that there are some side effects and risks carried out by each procedure, such as infection, bleeding, and loss of hearing.

Are there Alternatives to Ear Surgery Procedures in Porto?

In some cases, you may not need surgery for your ear problems. Sometimes, your doctor may be able to recommend nonsurgical alternatives, such as medications and therapy. Make sure to talk to your doctor about what the best alternative is for your specific condition.

This information has been accurately sourced and verified by a medical professional for its accuracy, however, we strongly recommend you to consult with your doctor before pursuing medical procedures overseas.

Update: 15/03/2023