Hemorrhoidectomy Clinics in Nepal | 2024 Prices
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Hemorrhoidectomy clinics in Nepal
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Everything you'll need to know about Hemorrhoidectomy in Nepal

What does the Procedure Involve?

Hemorrhoidectomy may be performed under general anesthetic (you’re put to sleep during the surgery) or local anesthetic. The surgery starts by gaining access to the anus, then the hemorrhoids are gently cut out using surgical instruments, such as a laser or surgical scissors. Then the wounds may be sealed with sutures or left open.

How Long Should I Stay in Nepal?

You should be able to leave the hospital on the same day. However, you need to stay in Nepal for around 14 more days or until your doctor says it is okay for you to travel as you should not sit for a long period of time during the recovery period. 

What's the Recovery Time?

You may need about one or two weeks off work to recover, but you should not do any strenuous activities such as intense exercises and heavy lifting for about 3 to 6 weeks. The total recovery period may take as long as 6 weeks. 

What About Aftercare?

Before you go home after the surgery, your surgeon will give you directions to care for yourself at home, such as taking stool softeners to reduce straining during a bowel movement, taking a Sitz bath, and eating a fiber-rich diet. You need to attend a follow-up checkup to monitor your condition, but you can do it with your local doctor. To prevent hemorrhoid from happening again, you should not delay using the toilet, do not spend too much time on the toilet (such as reading or using your phone in the toilet), and try to eat a diet full of green vegetables, fruit, and 100% whole grains.

What's the Success Rate?

Hemorrhoidectomy is very common and generally safe, but it carries some side effects and risks, pain, bleeding, infection, difficulty urinating, loss of control of the rectal sphincter, damage or narrowing of the anal canal, and allergic reaction to the anesthetic. 

Are there Alternatives to Hemorrhoidectomy?

Some cases of hemorrhoids can be treated with over-the-counter medicines as well as a healthy diet and lifestyle. However, if you need further treatment, the alternatives to hemorrhoidectomy are rubber band ligation, sclerotherapy, coagulation, and hemorrhoid stapling. Make sure to discuss with your doctor the best option for your case. 

This information has been accurately sourced and verified by a medical professional for its accuracy, however, we strongly recommend you to consult with your doctor before pursuing medical procedures overseas.

Update: 23/03/2024