Labiaplasty Clinics in Guatemala City | 2024 Prices
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Labiaplasty clinics in Guatemala City
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Everything you'll need to know about Labiaplasty in Guatemala City

What does a Labiaplasty Procedure Involve?

Some of the most common reasons women undergo labiaplasty are as follows:

  • Pain during sexual intercourse, if they get tucked into your vaginaIrritation and discomfort while wearing underwear or swimsuit
  • Discomfort while walking or doing your regular activities
  • Physical discomfort (e.g. rashes, infections, chafing) due to its shape and size

According to some research, most women actually experience low self-esteem and embarrassment due to their asymmetrical, large and/or unusual shape vagina. As a result, these women tend to refrain from sexual intercourse and from wearing tight clothing or bathing suits. For women who consider having a labiaplasty, ideal candidates for this type of surgical cosmetic procedure are:

  • Those who do not smoke
  • Those who have overall good health
  • And those who have realistic expectations from labiaplasty

A labiaplasty is not advisable for younger girls who are below eighteen years old. This is because their labia may still continue to grow and develop from puberty into their early adulthood.

While there isn’t really a medical guide as to what is the standard length for a labia, what women know is based on what they see online or what they see from other women is that, labia minora is typically tucked inside the labia majora. Furthermore, there are natural causes that affect the appearance of your labia, these are common:

  • Genetics
  • Pregnancy
  • Natural aging process

How Long Should I Stay in Guatemala City for a Labiaplasty Procedure?

A Labiaplasty can be an outpatient procedure if you have undergone the procedure using local anesthesia you may be allowed to go back to your hotel after your surgery. However, if you have been under general anesthesia, you will have to stay at least twenty-four hours in the hospital. Follow up checkups with your surgeon are very important to monitor and assess your recovery and healing. Furthermore, your stitches will be removed after a few days, depending on how your wounds are healing. You should expect to stay in Guatemala City at least 7-10 days post-op.

What's the Recovery Time for Labiaplasty Procedures in Guatemala City?

Pain and discomfort are to be expected during the first few days after your surgery, you will be given pain medications. Usually, most patients take a week off from work while they recover from the surgery. You may go back to your normal daily routines, including exercise after a month.

What sort of Aftercare is Required for Labiaplasty Procedures in Guatemala City?

While you are recovering, it is advisable that you wear mini pads with loose and comfortable pants while you still experience some minor bleeding. To reduce your swelling and pain within the first week, your surgeon may advise you to apply ice wrapped in a towel “twenty-minutes on and twenty minutes off” or you may also be advised to lie with your bottom elevated to help reduce the swelling.

You will also be instructed not to use tampons during your first period after your surgery. Sexual intercourse must also be strictly avoided within the first four to six weeks.

What's the Success Rate of Labiaplasty Procedures in Guatemala City?

Labiaplasty has a high success rate of over 90%, women who have undergone this type of cosmetic procedure were recorded to be very happy and satisfied with the end results. Studies show that these women have experienced a boost in their self-esteem, following their labia minora reduction procedure.

However, just like any type of surgery, a labiaplasty also poses some risks and side effects. While these risks and side effects may only happen on a rare occasion, becoming aware of the following is still necessary:

  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Scarring of tissue
  • Reduced sensitivity of the genitals
  • Allergic reaction to the anesthetic
  • A blood clot in a vein during the surgery

Are there Alternatives to Labiaplasty Procedures in Guatemala City?

While cosmetic surgeries on the female genitals have increased over the years, not all women are actually brave enough to go under the knife to improve their physical appearance. Given our technological medical advancements, we now have some non-invasive alternatives to labiaplasty:

  • Kegel exercise - this type of exercise is directed to the core muscle groups that affect your vaginal tone. This is highly recommended to women who have swollen vaginal lips with an overall loss of vaginal skin elasticity.
  • Laser vaginal rejuvenation or Laser labiaplasty - this type of non-invasive procedure reconstructs the damaged muscles and tissues of your vaginal cavity to reduce both your internal and external vaginal diameters.

This information has been accurately sourced and verified by a medical professional for its accuracy, however, we strongly recommend you to consult with your doctor before pursuing medical procedures overseas.

Update: 23/03/2024