Mesotherapy Clinics in Sofia | 2024 Prices
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Everything you'll need to know about Mesotherapy in Sofia

What does a Mesotherapy Procedure Involve?

While mesotherapy is nonsurgical and not painful, it can be slightly uncomfortable. Therefore, you may have anesthetic cream applied to your skin to numb the affected area.

Using a special short needle, you will get a series of injections. The injections can be carried out on the face, neck, scalp, chest, hands, and other areas of the body that may have problems you wish to address. There is not a standard formula for the substances injected. The practitioner may use a combination of different substances, including vitamins and minerals, enzymes (such as hyaluronidase and collagenase), herbal extracts, hormones (such as thyroxin and calcitonin), as well as prescription medicines (such as antibiotics and vasodilators). The substances used depends on what you want to treat. For instance, the treatment for cellulite and body fat reduction may use lecithin and isoproterenol.

Each injection can be given at different depths into your skin, ranging between 1 and 4 millimeters, depending on the condition you want to treat. The practitioner may flick their wrist at a rapid pace while injecting, or place the needle into your skin at an angle.

How Long Should I Stay in Sofia for a Mesotherapy Procedure?

Mesotherapy is an outpatient procedure, so you can leave the hospital on the same day. You should be able to leave Sofia right away, but it is recommended to wait at least a day before you travel home because you need to wait for the substances to settle down. However, since you may need a series of treatment to get the desired results, you should expect to return to the clinic or hospital between 3 to 15 times, with 7 to 14 days intervals. Therefore, the length of stay depends on how many sessions you will need until you achieve the result you wish for.

What's the Recovery Time for Mesotherapy Procedures in Sofia?

Mesotherapy has minimal downtime. You may experience a little bruising and swelling after the procedure, but they will subside within 24 hours. Some people are able to return to work and your normal activities on the same day, while others may need to take a day off due to pain and swelling.

What sort of Aftercare is Required for Mesotherapy Procedures in Sofia?

No special aftercare is needed, but the practitioner may give you instructions to follow, which may include what you should do to avoid complications and to reduce swelling and bruising. You can have maintenance treatments 1 – 2 times a year.

To maintain the results, particularly if you have mesotherapy to reduce signs of aging and eliminate excess fat, make sure you exercise regularly, follow a well-balanced diet plan, and limit your alcohol intake.

What's the Success Rate of Mesotherapy Procedures in Sofia?

While there is proof showing that there can be some improvement after mesotherapy, more studies and research are needed to verify the mechanism, safety, and effectiveness of the procedure. Therefore, you should always choose a licensed practitioner with proven track records and experience if you do want to try the procedure.

According to those who practice mesotherapy, the risks tend to be minimal if you go to an experienced and trained practitioner. The side effects and risks of mesotherapy may include pain, nausea, sensitivity, bumps, swelling, bruising, itching, dark patches of the skin, redness, rash, scars, and infection.

Are there Alternatives to Mesotherapy Procedures in Sofia?

The alternative to mesotherapy depends on the condition you want to treat, which may include:

  • Injection lipolysis – mesotherapy and injection lipolysis are often thought to be the same procedure, but they are actually two different procedures. Injection lipolysis involves the injection of deoxycholate and phosphatidylcholine into the fat layer under the skin to break up fat.
  • Liposuction – is one of the most popular cosmetic treatments to remove excess fat. It uses a suction technique to eliminate fat from specific areas of the body.
  • Botox and dermal fillers – both Botox and dermal fillers are nonsurgical treatments to rejuvenate the skin. Botox works by blocking nerve contraction to relax wrinkles, while dermal fillers can improve skin contouring.

This information has been accurately sourced and verified by a medical professional for its accuracy, however, we strongly recommend you to consult with your doctor before pursuing medical procedures overseas.

Update: 26/03/2024