Drug Rehabilitation Clinics in Bogota | 2024 Prices
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Drug Rehabilitation clinics in Bogota
With MyMediTravel you can browse 0 facilities offering different types of Drug Rehabilitation procedures in Bogota.
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Drug rehabilitation, or drug rehab, is a process to help a person recover from addictions of psychoactive substances, such as alcohol, prescription drugs, as well as street drugs, such as amphetamines, cannabis, heroin, or cocaine. 

Rehabilitation consists of individualized treatment plans, individual therapy, group counseling, support groups, family therapy, and aftercare planning. It usually involves detox treatment, which is the process where the patient detox the addictive substance from their body. Patients may be prescribed medicine and undergo counseling to help change their behavior as well. Healthy coping skills, emotional regulation, impulse control, and drug-refusal strategies will be taught to help patients avoid relapse in the long run. 

How Long Should I Stay in Bogota?

The length of stay varies widely since the treatment plan is highly individualized. For example, one person may need hospital treatment, while another may be able to undergo intensive outpatient treatment instead. Either way, you are free to leave Bogota anytime you choose to, although it is better to stay until you finish your rehabilitation program, which can take around 30 to 90 days.

What's the Expected Recovery Time?

After completing your rehabilitation program, you should be able to return to normal life. This includes returning to work, socializing with friends and family.

What Aftercare is Required?

You will be given an aftercare plan to minimize the risk of falling back into addictive behavior. You may need to re-adjust your lifestyle and learn about your triggers. It is also recommended that you attend counseling and support groups, which you can do in your home country.

What's the Success Rate?

The success rate of drug rehabilitation depends largely on the completion of the program and the patient’s willingness to change their addictive habits. By only counting those who complete their rehab program, the success rate is approximately 30%.

Are there Alternatives?

An alternative to drug rehabilitation includes community addiction treatment, rapid detox, and having regular exercise and a healthy diet. However, it is best to consult your doctor first.

This information has been accurately sourced and verified by a medical professional for its accuracy, however, we strongly recommend you to consult with your doctor before pursuing medical procedures overseas.

Update: 02/01/2023