Ovarian Cyst Removal Clinics in Iran | 2024 Prices
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Ovarian Cyst Removal clinics in Iran
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1-2 weeks of recovery time
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Everything you'll need to know about Ovarian Cyst Removal in Iran

What does a Ovarian Cyst Removal Procedure Involve?

Both open surgery and laparoscopic surgery are performed under general anesthetic. With laparoscopic surgery, your surgeon will make small incisions in your abdomen to insert a small instrument into your abdomen to remove the cysts. With open surgery, your doctor makes a large incision in your abdomen; they may also remove the ovaries and uterus if the cyst is cancerous.

How Long Should You Stay in Iran?

You may be required to stay in the hospital for one to two days. However, some patients are discharged on the same day of the surgery. Plan to stay in Iran for at least seven days for the initial recovery and to attend follow-up check-ups and for your surgeon to remove the stitches.

What's the Recovery Time for Ovarian Cyst Removal Procedures in Iran?

The recovery period after laparoscopic surgery is a lot shorter than open surgery, you may be able to get back to work after a week and return to your normal routine in 2 weeks. After open surgery, it may take up to 6 weeks until you can go back to your normal routine.

What sort of Aftercare is Required for Ovarian Cyst Removal Procedures in Iran?

You are not allowed to do any strenuous exercises until you are fully recovered, but you should take several 10 to 15 minutes short walks in the first few days. Your surgeon will give you instructions that include diet and caring for your healing wounds. 

What's the Success Rate of Ovarian Cyst Removal Procedures in Iran?

The success rate for ovarian cyst removal is known to be high. However, you need to be aware of the risks and side effects of the procedure, including swelling, infection, blood clots, and damage to other organs. Laparoscopic surgery is known to be a lot safer and has fewer complications.

Are there Alternatives to Ovarian Cyst Removal Procedures in Iran?

If the ovarian cyst is not causing any symptoms, your doctor may advise you to simply keep an eye on it instead of having any treatment. You may be asked to have a regular ultrasound scan to check if the cyst goes away or changes in size.

This information has been accurately sourced and verified by a medical professional for its accuracy, however, we strongly recommend you to consult with your doctor before pursuing medical procedures overseas.

Update: 01/02/2023